Chemical sunscreens are designed to be absorbed by the top layers of skin as they work in two different ways to help neutralise harmful UV radiation. On one level, it deflects and scatters the sun’s harmful rays before they damage the skin, while on the other they filter the UVA/UVB and convert them into heat, neutralising them.
Unfortunately, chemical sunscreens may cause skin reactions in certain people and can worsen melasma and rosacea. They also contain one or more of the following active ingredients, oxybenzone, avobenzone, octisalate, octocrylene, homosalate, or octinoxate, each of which carries its own potential for harm.
Further, a small randomized clinical trial published in May 2019 in the Journal of the American Medical Association reveals that four of these sunscreen chemicals (avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene, and ecamsule) are absorbed into the bloodstream at significantly greater levels than 0.5 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml). That’s far above the amount at which the FDA requires topical medications to undergo safety studies to determine possible toxic effects.
This type of protection relies on two different types of minerals — zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. They work by physically deflecting UVA and UVB rays from getting to the surface of the skin. Because of this, their formulas are naturally a little thicker than chemical versions as they are meant to sit on the skin’s surface, rather than absorbing beneath it. Unlike chemical sunscreens, which typically take 20 to 30 minutes to absorb into the skin, mineral sunscreens offer immediate protection — no waiting needed. Mineral sunscreens can also be applied on top of makeup and other skin-care products.
SPF (Sun Protection Factor) is a measurement of sunburn protection. So if your skin would normally burn after 10 minutes in the sun, wearing an SPF 10 sunscreen would theoretically allow you to stay in the sun for 100 minutes (10 x 10) without burning. A higher SPF doesn’t always equate to that much more protection. Also, note that SPF is a measure of protection against UVB rays only, and we need protection against UVA rays which is why we want “broad spectrum” sunscreen.
When it comes to the delicate skin on our face, we want to be sure we're protected, especially in the summer sun! Young Living's sunscreen works great as a base underneath your Savvy Minerals by Young Living makeup to offer the SPF boost you want.
Join us as we overhaul our beach bags and choose a healthier sunscreen for ourselves and our families!
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