Not only is this a great mindfulness tool, it can also be useful for kids who find it difficult to stay still and meditate. The jar, filled with glitter and water, can help all to focus and calm down.
You may need to experiment to get the desired consistency that is right for you. A good starting point is 20% glue and 80 % water. The more glue you use, the longer it takes for the glitter to settle after the jar is shaken. You can use clear school glue, or glue with glitter to achieve your desired effect. Have fun experimenting - you may need to draw on your mindfulness skills as the kids get glitter all over the place!
Explain to your child the purpose of the jar. When you shake the jar, explain that sometimes our minds are full of thoughts, swirling around in our heads like the glitter in the jar. Sometimes we have angry thoughts. Sometimes we have sad thoughts. Sometimes we have unkind thoughts. Remind your kids that this is ok; we all have strong feelings at times, but knowing how we can calm these feelings and our body is very important. When our body and mind are calm, we find it is easier to work through any problems we have and can more easily talk about what is making us feel this way.
Simply shake the jar until the glitter is spinning wildly. Set the jar on a table or the floor and calmly watch the jar together until the glitter (and your minds), have settled down.
With some practice together, your child will soon be ready to practice this on their own when they are experiencing difficulties with their emotions.
I'd love to see your creations and your child practicing. Share your creations with us on Instagram. Remember to tag us with @essentialwellnessyoga
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