Don’t forget about the young ones in your life. All kids love playdough, and homemade playdough is so quick and easy, and so much better for the little ones without anything added. You can make batches of different colours, or leave the colouring until the playdough has cooled down slightly, divide it into smaller amounts and add the Essential oil and colouring at the same time.
Home Made Play Dough
Mix all of the ingredients (except the essential oil) in a saucepan and place over low heat. Stir continuously until the playdough is not sticky anymore.
Place the playdough onto baking paper and let it cool slightly.
Add Stress Away Essential Oil to the playdough and knead it in.
Store in a container to prevent it from drying out. Keep in the fridge when not in use to extend its shelf life.
Before using the playdough again you can add in more Essential oil if wanted.
You can also use any essential oils that your child loves.
Kids love playdough!
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